Mawkish- appealing to emotions in a sappy, cringe-inducing way
Ex: The mawkish card that he presented to her on Valentine’s day had a picture of them both side by side next to Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, who had a speech bubble that read, “I just had an idea, you ditch your boyfriend and go out with me instead, bazinga!” He knew it was a longshot, and that she would probably just say no, but the response the card elicited from her was more along the lines of, “Sheldon is gay in real life, by the way, and you must be special needs if you think I’d ever leave my boyfriend to go out with somebody who wears a minions backpack. You know what, now that I think about it, you are special needs, aren’t you? I’m thinking about the minions backpack a little bit more now and it makes total sense.”
Perambulate- to make one’s way through; to amble about casually
Ex: The old couple perambulated through the botanical gardens at a leisurely pace, stopping every few feet to admire one of thousands of genera of colorful flowers. They were quick to offer a smile and exchange pleasantries with any passersby. The only wrong foot they put forward during their stroll was pausing to offer the conventional wisdom, “stop and smell the flowers” to a nervous looking gentleman who, apparently, wasn’t bothering to really take in and admire any of the lovely flora. The gentleman was entirely taken aback by this comment, and he responded, “My grandfather once stopped to smell a Rafflesia Arnoldii, also known as the corpse flower, in Indonesia, and the scent proved too much for his brain to handle, so he dropped dead right then and there. So don’t you EVER tell me to stop and smell the flowers again. This place is hell for me. My therapist and I are working on some exposure techniques and she thought it would be a good idea for me to attempt to work through his death by immersing myself in this flower world.” The old couple continued their stroll, albeit not bothering to talk to anyone else. They decided to just focus on the flowers.
If general rule that the suffix "ish" means "like unto or characteristic of" holds--to be mawkish is to resemble a mawk? What's a mawk? What are its dimensions and substance? I want answers from the heart, not from Google.
Love the detail on these today. I was not perambulating earlier as I watched the Australia - v - England game 🏆