Reminder to buy my book. I will be forever grateful.
Bonus stage for your readers: The Importance of Equivocation to the Scottish Play!
(In-link usage: "Their first warning is unequivocal: Beware Macduff. Simple. Straightforward. And because of that, it becomes equivocal, as it sets up the listener to believe that what follows is just as simple and true.")
what can I say, I dig the Macbeth
Unequivocally brilliant piece of literature, clemenstein doth proclaim
We have similar signs here in the UK just different colours. Your sign looks like a pie chart. 16% of all trucks can go down hill 😄
Bonus stage for your readers: The Importance of Equivocation to the Scottish Play!
(In-link usage: "Their first warning is unequivocal: Beware Macduff. Simple. Straightforward. And because of that, it becomes equivocal, as it sets up the listener to believe that what follows is just as simple and true.")
what can I say, I dig the Macbeth
Unequivocally brilliant piece of literature, clemenstein doth proclaim
We have similar signs here in the UK just different colours. Your sign looks like a pie chart. 16% of all trucks can go down hill 😄