Yatter- to talk incessantly
Ex: Some grandmothers have the remarkable ability to yatter on and on on the telephone with their friends and family throughout the day. Even telemarketers sometimes lose their cool after a conversation with these grannies. “Listen lady, I’m going to be honest, I was trying to scam you today, I really was, but I just want to let you know that I’d rather lose out on potentially gaining full access to your credit card if it means that I don’t have to sit here and listen in about your grandson’s role as a treble in the church choir for a minute longer. Doesn’t Mildred ever stop by for tea anymore? Surely you can save this chat for then. Matter of fact, can you share her number with me? I’ll give her a ring and tell her to pop in.”
“Oh yes! Give Mildred a call, she’ll love that. Her grandson actually just joined a new Karate class…”
*Phone line goes silent*
Feckless- ineffective, incompetent, or inept
Ex: Upset by the shoddy job done by the feckless leaf cleaning crew, he opted instead to just set fire to his entire yard. While he could have just raked up the remaining leaves, he wanted to make some type of statement about the laziness of today’s youth. And boy did he show them!
Yard fires; the way to teach our youth. Think I might swerve that one being a teacher. 🤩