Voluble- talking fluently or incessantly; loquacious
Ex: Kids these days will never know the insufferable boredom caused by your mother running into one of her voluble friends during a grocery store outing. You’d be just about to make it to checkout and then, oh no, is that Ruthie meticulously examining a papaya for blemishes? Of course it is. You knew her as the lady that was always bringing the inedible tropical fruit salads to the book club when it was your mom’s month to host. She always had some ridiculously farfetched take about how some passage from the book was analogous to women’s fight for suffrage in the early 20th century. Your mom and Ruthie would be locked in to some long-winded rundown of every single thing going on in their children’s lives. You’d think it would be finally coming to a close, but then Ruthie would bring up how much she was enjoying reading The Help and then would show your mom her Elizabeth Cady Stanton phone case, which tacked on a good 15 additional minutes.
True dat