Unctuous- excessively flattering or smug (when describing a person); or fatty and oily (when describing food)
Ex: The unctuous plate of braised short rib left a slick coating in his throat, which, when paired with a couple tall glasses of Bordeaux and his oddly nasal Jamaican accent, had him speaking like Jar Jar Binks for the rest of the meal. “Exsqueeze me waiter, meesa be needing some water to clear my throat!”
Crepuscular- relating to twilight
Ex: The crepuscular colors against his gray P.T. Cruiser and the Cumberland Farms storefront were just too good not to capture on the polaroid. His 89-cent large ice coffee and tabasco slim Jim combo deal could wait an extra minute, but probably not more than that, for the thought of the yin and yang of that simultaneously colon cleansing and colon clogging combination teased and tormented him throughout his day.
Love the word crepuscular. Makes me feel smug it does 🤩