Tryst- a private, romantic rendezvous between two lovers
Ex: The adulterers shacked up in upstate New Hampshire by their private little pond that only they knew about for their annual President’s Day tryst.
“You look as stunning as a young Martha Washington” said the man to subject of his forbidden affection.
“And you as tall and strong as honest Abe” replied the woman.
“You know I’ve been dieting recently. I was scared you were going to call me Taft.”
“Don’t be daft. You’ve never looked like Taft.”
“This whole situation though, wouldn’t it make more sense for me to be JFK, and you Marilyn Monroe?”
“I guess that would make sense. Except I don’t quite feel like Marilyn Monroe when I have this Barbara Bush downstairs.”
“You what now? I told you I was never a fan of the Bush, whether that be H.W. or H.”
“You met me in my Clinton years. After the first Bush, but before the second.”
“That’s right, you were my Lewinski!”
“So what, baby, you won’t step into my oval office?”
“Not with that new rug you laid down, I won’t!”
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“I knew something was up. Well go ahead, get out with it.”
“I’ve been seeing someone else”
“What’s he like? An older man, a Biden perhaps? Or no, let me guess, a movie star, more of a Reagan?”
“He’s actually more of an…Obama.”
“An OBAMA? Nothing makes me more insecure about my Dick Cheney than you being with an Obama!”
😂 nothing says come tryst with me like a man in a grey wig.