Sacrosanct, Draconian, Insipid, Impugned
Sacrosanct- sacred, not to be tampered with
Ex: The sacrosanct ritual of drinking the blood from the circumcision will never be replaced. As long as there are chest hairs on Mordecai’s sternum, you can bet that mohel is going to suck off that baby.
Draconian- excessively cruel and severe, usually about laws
Ex: “What type of draconian laws have you implemented!?” Shouted the older adult at his live-in nurse, who had confiscated all of his acid tabs and Jefferson Airplane records.
Insipid- without taste, flavorless
Ex: The flavored condom became insipid after the third use. “Don’t get me wrong, the Hawaiian punch flavor was actually spot on the first time, not to mention the cooling menthol effects that were wholly unexpected, but appreciated.”
Impugned- dispute the truth, challenge the validity of someone’s character or intentions
Ex: It’s always difficult when a childhood birthday party magician has his magical powers impugned by some smart-ass 10-year-old. “That coin was just in your hand, it didn’t come out of her ear!”, “That long streamer wasn’t really in your mouth!”, “You don’t actually have any custody of your kids! The “every-other-weekend” thing is just a big façade!”