Redoubtable- formidable; capable of commanding respect and striking fear into others
Ex: Of all the opponents that Floyd Mayweather came up against in his storied career, none proved more redoubtable than the dreaded English language. Although he could easily navigate the advances of highly skilled professional boxers, when it came time for reading Floyd shuddered at the thought of going to battle with Maisy Goes to the Library, or, even worse, Clifford’s First Halloween.
Emollient- a substance that moisturizes the skin
Ex: After five exhausting, expensive dates, he had finally convinced her to come back to his place with him. As they began to make out, he scrambled to toss a blanket over the myriad of emollient eczema creams that lined the shelf next to his bed. He was not about to let her see the full range of Lubriderm bottles, some unreleased, others limited edition, that he was ashamed to say had become quite the collection over the last few years.
Zephyr- a gentle breeze
Ex: A zephyr passed through the lush, green hillside, whooshing a couple of dandelion seeds into the air. It was a picturesque Spring scene. The aliens had identified these rolling knolls as an ideal point of contact with Earth, having mysteriously learned of the location from its appearance as the background image on Microsoft Windows XP. They had invented a means of effective intergalactic travel, but their hearts remained set on honoring the legacy of this cult-classic rudimentary computer operating system.
Could have done with a zephyr here today as it’s been quite warm 😎