Recidivism- relapse back into crime
Ex: The prison succeeded in reducing recidivism by airing episodes of The Great British Baking Show in the common room. It’s difficult to imagine committing violent crimes after watching a sweet Pakistani woman lovingly craft a shortbread and strawberry mousse trifle in the shape of a merry-go-round. The only thing you’d want to hurt after watching that show is a finicky layer of sheet cake that just doesn’t seem to want to keep its structural integrity as you fold it into a roll and then FUCK it cracks on you. You try your best to make up for it by making a wicked buttercream frosting, but the damage has been done. The judges notice, they always notice, Paul, that smug prick, he notices, and you end up in the bottom three for that challenge.
Being in England, this wraps it up nicely