Raconteur, Tyro, Inculpate
Raconteur- someone who is good at telling stories in an interesting way
Ex: “I can’t tell if she’s a raconteur or if this is just some really, really strong weed, because going to Stop and Shop to put change in the Coinstar machine should not be this funny!” The rest of the family shot disapproving glances at one another, thinking here we go again. The other guests, the well-to-do Glenfield family, stared down at their napkins, clearly feeling very uncomfortable. There was a reason cousin Vince hadn’t been invited to a dinner party in years, especially not one with deep-pocketed potential clients.
Tyro- an amateur or novice
Ex: “You picked Corinne to go up against Rec Specs Reginald in the final debate? That’s like putting a tyro in the ring against Tyson! Someone’s going to be killed, and it sure as hell isn’t going to be Iron Mike!”
Inculpate- to place blame on; to implicate
Ex: He accidentally inculpated himself in the flaming bag of shit on the doorstep incident by saying, “plus, it smelled like roasted peppers and onions, mild salsa, carnitas, and triple sour cream. Who in their right mind would order that from Chipotle?”. The friends that surrounded him knew exactly who would order that from Chipotle. It was such a unique order; how could they not know.