Pusillanimous, Conversant
Pusillanimous- displaying a lack of courage; timid
Ex: Most days I find myself peeling away from the Dunkin Donut’s drive thru feeling disheartened that I am yet again too pusillanimous to tell the staff that they put too much cream cheese on my bagel. I drive off, tears streaming down my face, as I bite into a bagel that is so stuffed to the gills with cream cheese that it feels like the bread is the topping. I turn on the radio, hoping to put a temporary end to my morning maladies, and am greeted with the sonically jarring, insufferable eardrum abuse that is “1-877 KARS FOR KIDS, K-A-R-S KARS FOR KIDS”.
Conversant- having experience in; having knowledge of something
Ex: Chester turned to face the two women sitting at the table behind him, “Hello ladies, sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but to overhear you both discussing previous encounters that you’ve had with late-night sidewalk stalkers in this city. I myself am quite conversant in all manners related to this topic, as I pride myself on always following the sidewalk rule of speeding up to overtake a woman that is walking in front of me at nighttime. Am I speeding up because I don’t want you to be afraid, or am I just hastening home to check on the housekeeper I have locked away in the basement, *nervous laugh* kidding! I’m kidding! We take good care of Maria, but that’s beside the point. What I’m saying is, ladies stay with me here, is that there’s no need to be afraid! Most men, me included, just want to protect women from the unknown, from the creepy guy that might turn the corner at any moment and *snaps* just like that you wake up in the back of a van in god knows what part of the city at god knows what time of day and you think to yourself, if only I had a protector, someone who could… *Both women reach into their purses, pull out their pepper spray canisters, and thoroughly empty them into his eyeballs*