Prurient, Encomium, Perspicacity
Prurient- lewd; perversely interested in sexual matters
Ex: The prurient content of Benji’s notebook was discussed at great length in his parent-teacher conference, much to the dismay of his parents. *Benji’s mom, Gianna, in disbelief* “I just can’t believe it… our own son drawing Naruto characters with giant, veiny dicks in class…with this much skill and detail! You’re right, Mrs. Johnson, this is a wake-up call! It’s a sign that he needs to be taken out of this school and sent to an art school right away! To think that my husband and I, being the great parents that we are, could ever have been so naïve as to our son’s artistic potential and true, unrealized calling, is quite alarming to us indeed!” *Benji’s dad turns to his son, flashes a thumbs up, and says quietly under his breath, “Unreal depiction of epididymitis in the Sasuke drawing, it’s just the right amount of swelling. You think he got a bacterial infection in his fight versus Gaara? It’s totally possible, I just hadn’t considered it until now.”
Encomium- a tribute; a speech or writing that praises someone or something highly
Ex: Sheri’s heartfelt encomium to Derek Jeter led many audience members to surmise that she was one of the lucky girls to receive a famed Derek Jeter post-coital goody bag.
Perspicacity- acuity; clarity of mental vision; ability to draw sound conclusions
Ex: Displaying immense perspicacity, she opted not to book Skrillex at their music venue for the upcoming season so as not to disturb the epileptic homeowner’s association (EHA) that was headquartered just down the street from the arena.