“Construction Workers Eating Lunch in Boston”- Post-Apocalyptic style
Provincial- limited in outlook; unsophisticated; narrow-minded
Ex: Yesterday a Boston area man was clowned by his provincial construction worker friends for experimenting with such radically foreign foods as Philadelphia rolls and Chimichangas. Mike Randolph, the man said to have brought these very much Americanized versions of foreign cuisine to his job site in South Boston, reported that his construction worker friends were not just disgusted with his lunch choices, but also personally offended by them. Upon unwrapping his takeaway bag and removing his lunch, Randolph stated that he was called, “gay”, “a communist” and, “a gay communist” by his colleagues. When Randolph used a pair of chopsticks to lift the piece of sushi containing cream cheese- a distinctly American dairy product- up to his mouth, his colleagues were said to have put their hands over their hearts as they began belting out a passionate rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner so as not to be cursed by Randolph’s lunchtime mutiny. When Randolph cut into his yellow-American-cheese-filled fried burrito, a food that quite literally hails from the Southwestern United States, his Irish Southie colleagues wrapped themselves in American flags and wheeled out a mobile TV stand to broadcast footage of last years’ Patriots’ Day celebrations in downtown Boston in an effort to remain pure and unmarred by Randolph’s extreme adventures in globe-spanning culinary curiosity. When asked to provide comment on this toxic workplace situation, McIntire construction owner Joe McIntire gave the following response: “This type of thing just won’t stand on one of my sites. Now I respect all of my employees’ personal lives. If you want to be gay, be gay at home, just don’t bring any of your gay terrorist foods to my workplace, capeesh?”