Prodigal- recklessly wasteful
Ex: The prodigal bar owner decided to forego keeping a stock of top-shelf spirits, instead deciding the best place to funnel his money was into a shedload of assorted neon beer signs. He had all the classics: The yellow Corona logo with the green and red pirate parrot perched atop the “r”; The bold Coors Light with the blue mountains in the background, indicating, of course, that the beer has dropped below a sufficient temperature to ensure that you will be driving drunk back home at the end of the evening; A sleek red and white racing striped Budweiser motorcycle, a message to the patrons that this beer packs a punch. That this ain’t no pussy little light beer like Coors Light. If you drink enough of these, you won’t just drive drunk, but you’ll do it on a Harley Davidson, helmetless.