Portend, Proceleusmatic
Portend- to foreshadow; to signal that something is about to happen
Ex: The opening of the first Starbucks portended that gentrification was imminent in the neighborhood. Soon enough, those cloudy underground bunkers where Laotian men would gather to squat on milk cartons, smoke cigarettes, and play card games, would be turned into new-era-hipster versions of the Korova Milk Bar where droog-like TikTok influencers would gather to sip oat milk lattes and plan their nights of social-justice inspired superviolence against the local Karens. They would rationalize these behaviors to themselves through the false assumptions that their vigilante justice was protecting some marginalized group. In reality, the Laotians could handle any racial abuse thrown their way. Their hearts had been hardened through their ball-busting and betel nut chewing in those hot-boxed subterranean lairs. Literally, chewing on those narcotic stimulant betel nuts had irreparably fucked up their hearts. They didn’t need TikTok pricks to fight their battles for them.
Proceleusmatic- inciting; animating; inspiring
Ex: It’s hard to imagine a more ironic scenario than Rachel Dolezal presenting a powerpoint slide about the heightened incidence of black-face in popular media for the NAACP as Cyndi Lauper’s proceleusmatic anthem “True Colors” plays in the background.