“Anime-loving man in operating room in hospital”- abstract expressionism style
Pollyanaish- characterized by a tendency to find good in everything; optimistic
Ex: She was pollyanaish, able to reframe all of his shortcomings and premature cummings as cute, quirky idiosyncrasies. When he accidentally clipped his ball sack on the blue steel katana that he bought at Comic Con, she was quick to admire the craftsmanship that went into producing such a thin blade edge capable of piercing even the roughest patch of vitiligo chicken skin, and commended him for such a fine purchase. When he was brought to the hospital to be stitched up and he declined even a local anesthetic for his taut little two-tone jewel pouch, she praised his bravery. When he clasped his hands together and told the physician that he was using a medical ninjutsu to send healing chakra to his testicles, she told the skeptical, head-shaking doctor that he need not worry; that her boyfriend had used this jutsu in the past to great success. When he started screaming in agony as soon as the procedure began, she told the doctor that this was a natural outpouring of emotion as the healing chakra rose to significant levels in his bloodstream. When he passed out as the fourth stitch was put in place, she started gushing to the doctor about her boyfriend’s miraculous ability to push himself to his physical limit and even beyond that, to which the doctor ripped off his nylon gloves and stormed out of the operating room, yelling, “you people are fucking crazy!”
Great word and write up. Love the art too.