Peripatetic, Blinkered
Peripatetic- given to moving or travelling from place to place
Ex: The peripatetic Mongolian nomads moved to wherever the grazing land was best for their cattle. To the surprise of white folk everywhere, on their travels they ate more than just Mongolian beef, the only dish to ever make it out of Mongolia and into the Western World.
Blinkered- narrow-minded; having a limited worldview
Ex: I still struggle to understand how people become so blinkered by their forays into 4-chan conspiracy forums that they choose to forego the advice of experts who have had thousands of hours of schooling, studying, and training in their respective fields. Ah yes, it is much more likely that Barrack Hussein Obama, in his pushing for Obamacare, must have snuck in a clause that involved slyly doling out down syndrome to a number of unlucky Bible Belt families, than it is that your kid just received an extra chromosome because you were a 57-year-old pack-of-Newports-a-day smoker when you knocked up your cousin, ehhemm, wife.