Parlous- risky; dangerous; uncertain
Ex: The road to opening up a hip, pretentious coffee shop in the mill-town turned working class stronghold of McKeesport, Pennsylvania was a parlous one. It was a risky proposition, to say the least, to assume that men in coal-smeared dickies utility cargo pants, with 3 and a half fingers remaining on their right hands after lathe incidents caused, in large part, by heaping mouthfuls of Redman chewing tobacco, would ever order iced brown sugar Oatmilk shaken espressos with frolicsomeTM foam.
Nefarious- criminal; evil; amoral
Ex: I find it crazy that we are letting kids get away with saying nefarious things like “I stan a calzone, on squad” and “It’s giving mental health issues, no cap”.
Risible- laughable; ludicrous
Ex: A risible scene played out in front of them in which an angry Latina mom swatted a Choco Taco out of her sons’ hands and yelled, in a Spanish accent, “You all the time with the fucking SHOOGER!”. She then dragged him by his ear and thrusted him into the opened passenger-side door of what can only be described as a plantainsmobile, and they sped off under the blistering Albuquerque sun.
Love the word nefarious, I am going to try and use it today.