Panacea, Paltry
Reminder to buy the book here!
Panacea- a solution or remedy for all ailments; a cure-all
Ex: “You simply must try my chili, it’s the panacea for all problems, big or small.”
“So, you really think your chili can mend my broken relationship with my father?”
“It’s worth a shot!”
“The only beans that ever cured me were Xanax, and even those lost their effect after a while!”
“These beans are different. Trust me, man.”
“Alright, give me a cup.”
*He drops a healthy spoonful into his mouth*
“Holy shit, man. That’s really good. What’s in that?”
“The placenta of your still-born older sister, the one whose premature death caused your dad to harbor those unfair feelings of resentment towards you as a child”
*He spits out the chili onto the ground*
“Ew, dude. What the fuck!?”
“I’m just kidding. It’s a lot of cayenne pepper, cumin, and garlic powder.”
Paltry- small or meager
Ex: He offered a paltry tip to the parking lot attendant. He usually gave service workers a more generous donation come the holidays, but to be fair, this was all that the guy really deserved. I’m not saying he was bad at his job, but it seemed like he was overthinking things. There was no need to try to fit two smart cars into one space. Just as there was no need to give a full spot buffer on either side of a C-class Mercedes. It’s not that nice of a car! And I found the line of questioning that he took up with the handicap parker to be quite insulting. Who was he to say if Crohn’s Disease warranted a handicap pass? Maybe the guy needs to park close to the building in case he feels a bout of explosive diarrhea coming on. He really should have just let that guy go! The parking lot would have certainly smelled better if he just let him on through without the interrogation.