Overwrought- in a state of nervous anxiety or excitement
Ex: The overwrought starter pre-fired his starter pistol before the emaciated, recently Dachau-emancipated track and field athletes had even had a chance to take their positions on the blocks. He had a habit of shooting early and often. The all-too-early proverbial “blowing of his load” had afflicted him since the little whoppers descended from his stomach and sat, taut, in a little coin-pouch-like sack that looked like it was scavenged off the set of a performance of The Merchant of Venice done only using little people. The first time he ever got intimate with a dame he impregnated her, leading to the birth of his first son and gravest mistake, Antonio, who he exacted revenge on by removing a pound of his flesh- from the tip of his little Shycock.