Opprobrium, Malfeasance, Plangent
Opprobrium- public disgrace from conduct considered wrong; condemnation
Ex: He had to bear the brunt of the opprobrium of being a top tier Andrew Tate Patreon subscriber. When the news broke, he was no longer considered a champion of women’s rights around the office. He was also now a prime suspect in the disappearance of Crenguta, the Hungarian maid who mysteriously vanished from the building a couple months back.
Malfeasance- an illegal act or an act of wrongdoing, typically by a public official
Ex: An investigation into the New York Jets front office didn’t find any examples of corporate malfeasance. All that was found was a losing mindset and an uncanny ability to choke when it really matters.
Plangent- loud, a deep and low sound that is often melancholy
Ex: The plangent sound of the church organ rang in his head as the priest undid his robe.