Modish- conforming to whatever is currently fashionable
Ex: Screw you and your modish TikTok inspired dance moves. I like to keep things classic with a nice, crisp sprinkler. Now I may not be attracting as much attention to myself as you are with your little hip wiggle, spin around, counter-clockwise ass gyration, but I promise you this: I’ll never slip up. I’ll never make a mistake. And people take note of that. They like consistency. It’s not all about flair and panache. There’s a place for the tried-and-true and it belongs right here on this 8 by 12 dancefloor in this Latin bachata room. What’s that? They want to kick me out? You know what I say to that? I say sprinkle on ‘em. Annndddddd, sprinkle on ‘em.
*I keep doing the sprinkler. A bald Mexican guy with MS13 tattooed on his forehead lifts me off of the dancefloor and tries to jam up my arms, but he can’t stop me. I just keep on sprinkling. I sprinkle may way on out the back door of the club and into the alleyway. I sprinkle on a sad looking plot of land that looks like it could use some sprinkling. I sprinkle until the first lichens, the pioneer species signaling the start of secondary succession, are visible on top of the mounds of broken concrete and chipped paint wood slats in the vacant lot.*