Lugubrious, Enfeebled
Lugubrious- dismal; excessively mournful; gloomy
Ex: Gerald had a lugubrious look on his face when his Siberian bighorn sheep Webkinz was confiscated for being a stuffed animal of Russian origin. His school was currently under budget and unable to provide school lunch to students for half of the week, but their chief focus at the moment was cracking down on potentially politically contentious stuffed animals. Gerald didn’t even know what Russia was. Now he was hungry and missing his favorite toy.
Enfeebled- something that has been weakened
Ex: Their Nickelback cover band was enfeebled by the loss of their Chad Kroeger stand in, Archie. They tried to replace him as best they could, but their only option seemed to be Leroy, who kept falling flat during the tear-jerking emotional power ballad that is “If Today Was Your Last Day”. “Leroy, I feel like you’re just singing, but not really feeling. You really need to bring us home during this chorus, you’re meant to be inspiring a generation here, man!”