Logorrhea, Pejorative
Logorrhea- excessive talkativeness; loquaciousness
Ex: Prone to bouts of logorrhea, Trinity found herself getting into more trouble than was necessary when she got pulled over for speeding by a cop on the side of the interstate. “Sorry, officer, I didn’t see you there. I knew I was going a little fast, but I didn’t realize just how fast. That was really dangerous, I could have hurt myself or somebody else. Well I mean I did…I did hurt somebody else. This is just about the speeding, though right? You didn’t see what happened before that, with the old woman at the intersection? Well, I probably should just keep my mouth shut. But…I mean the cats already kind of out of the bag, haha, whoops! Yea, I hit an elderly woman at an intersection about two miles back. Her groceries went flying all over the place. I of course slowed down to see if she was okay, and it looked like she was giving me a thumbs up, although it is possible that her hand was just stuck like that, since she kind of was lying paralyzed, face down on the pavement with her limbs flared out at awkward, unnatural angles. Stupid stupid Trinity, you should have kept quiet about that, but you didn’t, as always. And here we are, you’re still talking, still incriminating yourself, you talkative dumb wench!”
Pejorative- a word expressing disapproval; a slur
Ex: They couldn’t tell whether Neil was using a pejorative to describe Donald, or if he just wanted to go eat a Big Mac, when he kept saying, “Let’s go visit our old chap Mick Donald’s place (McDonalds)!”