Lachrymose, Austere, Jejune
Lachrymose- likely to cry, tending to express strong emotion through crying
Ex: Lachrymose Larry started to tear up during the infamous Chef Boyardee commercial where the can rolls off the shelf and into the family’s home. He was an emotional wreck thanks to all the estrogen-rich Luna bars he had been eating.
Austere- somber, severe in manner
Ex: The austerity of the DMV clerk was a welcome surprise to Ashley. She was in no mood to be dealing with a jokester at the window, having just waited in a 3-hour line alongside sleazy Drakkar Noir scented middle-aged divorcees re-applying for their licenses following their DUI’s.
Jejune- boring, lacking intellectual stimulation, uninteresting
Ex: James stopped his date mid-sentence, “This is the most jejune conversation I have ever had with anyone. Period.” “If I wanted to know about my horoscope, I would open up a Seventeen magazine while my groceries were being scanned at ShopRite.” “No, I don’t know what it means that my Jupiter is in anterograde, nor do I care.” She threw her Aperol spritz in his face, badly burning his eyeballs.