“Family Board Game Night”- Space World style
Junta- a military or political group that rules a country after seizing it through force
Ex: The Garrison’s family board game night was ruined when their great uncle Rogerio who participated in the junta of the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’etat employed similar military might to overtake Grandpa Dave in an otherwise friendly game of Risk. When it came time for Rogerio’s turn, instead of rolling the dice, he snuck up behind Dave’s chair and put him in a sleeper hold until he fell unconscious, and then moved his pieces into Dave-controlled North Africa, yelling, “JUNTA! IT’S A JUNTA!”. The rest of the family rushed over to check on Dave. Grandma Shelly fingered around for a pulse on his neck and demanded her granddaughter to, “Call an ambulance, now!”. Rogerio was banned from game night for a full year. On his grand return, the family was playing Monopoly (Well, everyone except Grandpa Dave. He hadn’t actually died on the night of the Junta, he had passed away a few months later from an aneurysm after discovering a stack of shirtless Kumail Nanjiani body transformation pictures in his wife’s bedside table drawer). After Grandma Shelly tried to charge Rogerio rent for landing on Mayfair, he opened up his button down to reveal a tangle of red and blue wires attached to a sort of rigid red sausage shaped amateur pipe bomb. “Let me go without charge or this whole place blows”. Instead of passing go and collecting $200, Rogerio went straight to jail and collected an extra 3 inches of circumference on his poop chute.