Jalopy- an old car that isn’t working well and is in bad shape
Ex: It’s interesting how they won’t let Uber and Lyft drivers pick you up in jalopys (for the most part), yet the drivers aren’t subject to the same scrutiny as the cars. I’d much rather get driven by a quiet, polite driver in a ’99 Bronco with a plastic wrap and duct tape window than by a man livestreaming a Jamaican gospel choir on full volume in a new Tesla. A beat-up Ford Taurus is better than getting verbally beaten up by a crystal-wearing Taurus whose horoscope told her she would brighten someone’s day through conversation. A ride in a dilapidated Toyota Highlander is miles better than being driven around by an inbred Scottish Highlander in a kilt making bagpipe noises through the gaps in his teeth. I’d take a ride in a shitty old Tucson before I’d ever step foot in an Uber driven by a single mom from Tucson who doubles as a waitress at “The Weiner Cartel” and smells like a Sonoran hot dog.