Incorrigible- not able to be improved, corrected, or reformed
Ex: They assigned the inmate all sorts of manual labor: hammering out license plates, pickaxing boulders in the prison yard, scrubbing the latrines. He did what he was told, no questions asked. Degrading menial task after degrading menial task, there was never so much as an inkling of a suggestion that he longed to be elsewhere, to be roaming the free world again. He was an incorrigible case, destined for a life in the can sans parole. In a last-ditch attempt to soften his heart, the warden strapped him down to a chair, pried open his eyelids with tweezers, wheeled over the prison’s dinosaur of a Toshiba television, turned on an urban radio station playing Yeat’s 2093, and started to stream a Youtube compilation of people jaywalking. The warden was hoping that this would overwrite the part of the inmate’s brain that was responsible for his callous disregard of civilian crosswalks and walking signals. As long as he maintained those deeply anarchical and inhumane tendencies, they couldn’t afford to cut him loose. Doing so would surely jeopardize not just the health and safety of those around him, but the greater functioning of society at large. Well, that and he was black.