Impetuous- impulsive; acting without thought
Ex: If you watch enough Chopped you’ll soon realize that there is an easy formula to follow to determine which participant will be booted in what round. In the appetizer round, it’s always the chef that finishes early, and, with all the extra time on his or her hands, makes an impetuous decision in the final 30 seconds to add an extra element to the dish. This late addition of, say, a sprig of cilantro, always ends up backfiring and fucking over the hopeful contestant. In the entrée round, the person voted off almost always, in the words of the judges, “didn’t really showcase the basket elements.” Or, “lacked creativity and was unable to transform the basket ingredients into something unique, something greater than the sum of their parts”. Now the final round- the dessert round- is always the easiest to predict. Whichever one of the two contestants has the bigger sob story always takes home the 10 g’s. If they cut away to an interview with the contestant where he or she is talking about needing money to fund his or her spouse’s cancer operation, you bet your ass they aren’t going home empty handed. The dish really could not matter less here. A participant with a real tear-jerker of a story could take a half-eaten mint chip Klondike bar out of their back pocket and present it to the judges and they’d get the win every. Single. Time.