Immure, Exacting
Immure- to confine or enclose someone against their will
Ex: My personal hell is being immured in a vape shop during a vape trick competition. I’ll be clawing at the door, fumbling around with padlock, knowing full well that I won’t escape. That I’ll be forced to spend the next few nightmarish hours in an artificial-banana scented haze, with my only conversational outlet being a black guy who grew up in a predominantly lower-income white neighborhood with gauges in his ears, a five-panel hat, and a too-tight shirt that reads “You may take my job, my kids, my wife, but you’ll never take MY VAPE!”
Exacting- making great demands on one’s skill, resources, or focus
Ex: I can’t stand it when Airbnb hosts give you the exacting task of putting all your compost in a separate bin, and then emptying that bin somewhere in their garden. I’m just trying to enjoy my vacation. Now every time I drunkenly eat an eggplant parm, I have to make sure I throw away the scraps into the compost bucket? That’s way too much to keep track of. I’ll compromise with you here. What I can do for you is this: I’ll throw away all my fruits and vegetables in the regular trash. To make up for this lack of compost, whenever I feel a bowel movement coming on, I’ll head out to the garden and squat over the Swiss chard patch. That should provide the fertilizing effect that you’re after.