Hypnagogic- inducing sleep
Ex: There’s nothing quite as hypnagogic as filling your stomach up with Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, there’s no time to take a nap, as you need to hurry up and pack your tent into the trunk of your car. You need to book it on down to Best Buy where you’ll then unpack the tent and take your rightful place at the front of the line at 4:45 PM on the day before Black Friday. That’s right, there’s not a moment’s break in which you can reflect on the people, places, and things that you are thankful for. You must instead set your mind to more important things: material things, how you are going to get them, and how you’re going to be able to hammer these stakes into a concrete sidewalk (seriously, how?).
The manager comes out and asks you what you’re doing. He asks why you’re not with your family, and he asks you to please stop hammering in those iron spikes into the cement entranceway into the store. You tell him you’re saving money, what does it look like. You tell him that you’re a family man, an American man, and- most importantly- you’re in need of a deal on a flat screen, so if he could please take his pudgy hands off of the iron tent peg and the tent string it’s attached to and “OW!!!!” you bludgeon his hand with the rubber mallet. You see that he has lost a finger. You don’t even care. You’re just thinking about deals. Sweet deals. For that, that is the true spirit of the holiday.