Hiatus- a pause or a gap in a series, sequence, or process
ex: I am taking a brief hiatus from this newsletter until after the Thanksgiving holiday. It turns out I couldn’t quite handle this frenetic pace with which I was doling out these words for you all. But hey, I had quite the run, didn’t I? What other substack was posting every weekday (+Sundays) for well over 100 days in a row? Yea that’s right, you’re real quite over there
! You could never match my output! (Don’t actually attack Ronald he’s just a random guy who I don’t know. And he may know Karate, and quite frankly I don’t want to get my ass kicked- or worse- have an apple spinning-back-kicked off of my head at a children’s birthday party.)Oh also, while I’m here- sending a giant F U to dictionary.com. Seriously, those guys are the worst. You may know that they do a word of the day thing like I do, except on a much, much lower level. Like a pathetically low level. Like all the way down at the bottom of that giant underground passage thing built by the Freemasons at the end of National Treasure. Nicolas Cage rules.
See you all again soon.
Dictionary.com is for losers, ain’t none of that shenanigans here, for shizzle.
sleep and rise like the ashes from the phoenix