“Girl scout cookie saleswoman with controlling mother”- Dreamscape style
Gumption- enterprise; resourcefulness
Ex: If only I had the gumption of the top seller in my local girl scout troop. This little girl boss was bound to shatter the glass ceiling as soon as she hit her first preadolescent growth spurt (and recovered from the resulting Osgood-Schlatters). That get up and go attitude was what got her to sell two thousand boxes of thin mints alone. Sure, her mother was verbally abusive and living out her businesswoman fantasy vicariously through her daughter, but that takes nothing away from the spirit and passion that defined her cookie campaign. Sure, her mother got hold of the town zoning committee’s pre-civil-rights-era redlining map to get a better idea of where the food swamps were (minority housing pockets, ding ding!) in order to plot out specific routes for her daughter to take in order to tempt the most fat, impoverished Samoan men with delicious cookies bearing their namesake, but that takes nothing away from her daughter’s business savvy! Sure, upon picking up her daughter from playdates at other girl scouts’ houses she dipped off into their foyers and used a Phillip’s head to loosen the wheels of the girls’ Radio Flyer cookie wagons, but that takes nothing away from her daughter’s zeal and verve in her business pursuits! Sure, when she found out one of the other girl scouts was hot on her daughter’s tail in terms of cookie sales, she paid off a low-level Italian mob goon to stick up that kid’s cookie table outside of a Stop & Shop, stealing every last one of her Tagalongs and Do-si-dos and traumatizing her for life with flashbacks to staring down the stubby double barrel of a sawed-off shotgun, but that takes nothing away from her daughter’s initiative and business acumen!