From now on, every Sunday you will receive the Clemenstein spin on a children’s book. This is building towards my eventual next project that I plan on releasing: Filthy Bedtime Stories
During the week, you can still expect to receive daily vocabulary words.
And if you haven’t heard, I released the second edition of Filthy Easy Guide to Vocab a few weeks ago. Check it out!
Goodnight Moon- The College Years
Goodnight half eaten DiGiorno’s on the side of my bed
Goodnight Mountain Dew with scratch off codes for Halo: Reach double xp weekend
Goodnight loose tobacco strands on the ash smeared coffee table
Goodnight dog that we’re wholly unprepared to take care of and is borderline neglected, but who we keep around to take on campus walks to get girls to notice us
Goodnight pile of dishes in the sink that we swear we’ll get to cleaning one of these days
Goodnight four TV’s and XBOX’s in the living room so we can play Fortnite squads
Goodnight “Butt-Weiser” poster and “Don’t Tread on Me” flag
Goodnight Keystone Light throne with Samurai suit fashioned from the cardboard ripped from Keystone 30 racks
Goodnight half-drank Dunkin cold brews sitting on top of a wild spread of loose-leaf textbook pages because you spent the money that you had set aside for the hardcover copy on Zyns and Whey protein powder
Goodnight roommate’s covert magic mushroom growing operation in the basement
Goodnight silverware stolen in bulk from the dining hall
Goodnight Kevin, whose ragdoll body we propped up in the chair after he indulged a little bit too much in the sauce that night
Goodnight retro Allen Iverson jersey that I had laid out on the coach to wear to tomorrow’s darty
Goodnight Dubra vodka and country time lemonade powder
Goodnight email from your professor that the assignment is due by midnight on Sunday, not by class on Monday, which throws you into a panic
Goodnight angry text from your parents, who just received the academic misconduct notice from the school administrators
Good morning…Kevin? Kevin did you piss on the coffee table after I went to sleep last night? Dude, it’s sticky and smells like urine! You totally pissed on my coffee table. Not cool man.
A slice of ace for a Sunday