Extricate- to free or remove from something (such as a difficult situation)
Ex: She had about two minutes left to extricate herself from the Magic: The Gathering discussion before her nether-regions became as arid as the Sahara.
Dandle- to coddle; to baby; to pamper
Ex: Ricardo dandled the tiny Chihuahua in his rhinestone-studded man-purse, feeding him fun-sized almond joys as he strutted down Rodeo Drive and took snapchat selfie videos of him saying, “The boys are out tonight, bitcchhhhhh”.
Presentiment- a feeling that something (usually unpleasant) is about to happen
Ex: A single bead of sweat crept down his back, accompanied by a presentiment that his life was about to change for the worse. The judge cleared his throat and delivered the verdict. “In this most curious case of one Benjamin Button versus Aveeno- specifically Aveeno Absolutely Agelessâ restorative night cream- we find in favor of…the defendant! Aveeno! Benjamin, we found no evidence to substantiate your claim that the skincare product had sucked your balls back up into your stomach, rendering you a prepubescent man at the ripe age of 58. We actually find it quite odd that you were using it on your balls in the first place, considering it’s a facial moisturizer. You are hereby required to pay $800,000 dollars in damages to the Aveeno company, and are FORBIDDEN from having any weird old-man-who’s-really-a-pre-teen, possibly, actually definitely, non-consensual, adult-on-minor sexual interactions with Cate Blanchett from this point forward.”
Just top drawer these last few for reals