Eulogistically, Inveigh
Eulogistically- In a highly praising manner (especially about someone that recently died)
Ex: “Dear Grandma, I wrote about you eulogistically in our town paper. You would have loved to read it, but you can’t, since you are dead. You’ll be pleased to know that they put your column next to a Manscaped ad. Rest easy, my sweet angel.”
Inveigh- to speak or write about with great hostility (usually followed by the word against)
Ex: Following last week’s debacle in the town paper, I had no choice but to inveigh against the evil executives over at Manscaped. “Dear Manscaped, you have an unfair stranglehold on the men’s grooming market, and I will see to it that an investigation is launched into your shoddy products and your robber baron tendencies IMMEDIATELY. Is it not enough for you to advertise on every single straight white male podcast? You must come for my local town paper as well? You have besmirched the good name of my grandmother, Esmerelda Titmouse Herringbottom! I will not, in good faith, allow such a beautiful name to be flanked by a description of an anti-chafing ball deodorant!”