Enervated, Inane, Spurious, Fallacious
Enervated- tired, lacking energy
Ex: The dolphin, clearly enervated after its performance at Sea World, somehow managed to summon the energy for one final blow-hole blast: a head-to-toe soaking of the handicapped seating section.
Inane- silly
Ex: She was of the inane opinion that, in a pinch, marmite could function as Nutella in a crepe.
Spurious- false, inauthentic
Ex: The spurious claim about his human trafficking operation was quickly exposed for what it was: a lie. In fact, he had only ever kidnapped one child, who was a bit of a brat anyways.
Fallacious- false, illogical or irrational
Ex: When Valerie accused Mike of cheating, he told her this was a fallacious assumption, and that the woman he had been seeing on the side was merely a “platonic side hoe”.