Without further ado. Here are 3 brand-spanking-new words for your eye holes. But first, check out the book.
Discountenance- to disapprove of
Ex: The father discountenanced his son’s request to purchase the peanut M&Ms in the snack cabinet in the hotel room. The father made sure that his son was aware of the severity of ever eating anything from the snack cabinet, claiming that the monetary loss that would result from such an act would force him to take out a second mortgage on his home. “And don’t you dare even so much as look at the fucking Haagen Dazs, you hear me you little shit?”
Attenuate- to weaken, reduce the effect of
Ex: His impassioned speech on the unethical nature of sweatshops was attenuated by his attire: a matching olive-green Nike tech sweat suit. He sipped a bottle of Coca-Cola while eating a Hershey’s bar and scrolling through texts on his IPhone in the green room afterwards. He thought to himself that it felt good to make a difference. He felt a chill go down his spine as he suddenly remembered that he hadn’t posted a black square on his Instagram page.
Commiserate- to sympathize
Ex: He commiserated with David over the loss of his foreskin at the ripe age of 21. He imagined life as an Arctic scientist, a life devoid of material goods and valuables. He imagined having a favorite turtleneck sweater, one that provided necessary warmth and comfort, so much so that he could look past all the lint it collected. Then he imagined losing that sweater and being forced to brave the cold. He couldn’t bear that thought.
Interesting and informative content.
Quite funny too