Clangor- a continuous loud banging or ringing sound
Ex: The clangor of the jackhammers outside of his office brought Peter to his breaking point. He unplugged one of the printers from the power strip, opened up the window, and plopped the printer down and onto the construction workers’ head 7 stories below. The clangor subsided instantly, followed by a few gasps. Finally, he could hear the “pop!” of the tentacle suction cups gripping the pixelated penis of the worn-out looking Japanese businessman on the Acer monitor screen in front of him.
Devolve- to pass responsibilities down to a lower level, or to be split into
Ex: He had mastered the art of devolving the menial tasks assigned to him by his boss to the entry-level minions beneath him. This freed him up to work on more pressing matters, such as meticulously crafting professional darts parlays on his sportsbook. He told the minions that the experience would be good for them. That he would relay the news of this assistance to the manager. But he never actually did any of that. He claimed all the work as his own. He went in too heavy on a Raymond Van Barneveld bet that fell apart when Barney had a fish, chips, and peas that was wiped off the board due to premature projection, and was now desperately in need of a raise to help recoup his losses.
I have not played darts in ages, love a game of arrows when called upon. We have a saying here (maybe elsewhere) to drop a clanger is to make a mistake. Thanks for making the thought link.