“Chess Hustlers Washington Square Park”- 3D Hologram Style
Checkered- full of ups and downs; varied
Ex: Judging by Anya Taylor-Joy’s character in The Queen’s Gambit, most professional chess players come from checkered pasts, though they wouldn’t appreciate that phrasing. I had an uncle- well actually my buddy, my buddy had an uncle, who claimed that Bobby Fischer used to hatch elaborate plans to cause chaos in his elementary school, schemes like hacking into the mainframe of the school’s one archaic supercomputer in order to place an order of 10,000 I heart boobies bracelets from the school’s stationary supplier, to be delivered straight to Principal Terry’s office. Principal Terry could never quite shake the nickname “Titty Boy Terry” after that. Bobby of course was always thinking 10 steps ahead, so he never got caught. Instead they blamed it on Ming Wai, as he was the only other kid with computer experience, and he couldn’t really defend himself in English. They shipped Ming Wai back across the Pacific after the incident. When Bobby won his first major chess tournament, he sent all his prize money to Ming Wai, because that’s the type of guy he was. Ming Wai used that money to train an elite group of chess masters. Once they had sufficiently honed their skills, he dressed them up like homeless men and then airdropped them into Washington Square Park. Now when those hustlers win cash from their matches, Ming Wai gets a 25% cut of the earnings. Check Mate!