Canonize / Canny
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Canonize- to regard as a classic work of art or literature
Ex: The first piece of humorous fiction I ever wrote was back in fourth grade. The picture book, titled “My Ma die Vet Vark”, which is Afrikaans for, “My Mom the Fat Pig” was considered a seminal work of comedy genius, and was quickly canonized as a cult classic, the standard to which every subsequent student to pass through fourth grade English class at my small, private Jewish elementary school was compared. My school tended to breed more Niels Bohr type Jews than Mel Brooks types, if you catch my drift, so take this achievement with a grain of kosher salt.
Canny- having or showing shrewdness and good judgement; sharp
Ex: “That’s why I look up to you, holmes. You’re canny, you know when to cash in on your positions. Me? I’m just loco, man. I view the market like a lowwwridddderrrr, it bounces up and down and I just enjoy the ride, brotherrr. I never know when to hop off!”
Mario, mop in hand, stood blocking the door to the elevator.
“Mario, remember what I told you. Buy low, sell high.” Said Mason, a sharp-dressed businessman, as he attempted to shuffle past Mario and into the elevator. He had a meeting to get to.
“I got you, holmes! Buy low, sell high. The bird out of bed gets quickly to the soil with the worms. A bird that I catch with my fingers is worth two in the bush. You always got the coolest sayings, man!”
“It’s not just a figure of speech, Mario. It’s how you make money. I’m sorry, I don’t have much time to chat.”
“Alright, holmes. I got you. Buy high, sell low, or whatever, ese.”
*The elevator doors start to shut*
“No, Mario! It’s buy low, sell h…”
*The doors shut before Mario hears the correction. He pops in an earbud and continues to mop the tile floor as he wiggles his hips and starts singing the chorus to “Vivir mi Vida” by Marc Anthony. He pauses, pulls out the Robinhood app on his phone, and triples down on his Nvidia position, despite the stock being at an all time high*
“Voy a reir, voy a bailar, vivir mi vida la la la la”