Caitiff- cowardly; despicable; worthy of scorn
Ex: That caitiff Wyatt backed out of our duel this morning because of an upset stomach. He said his IBS was acting up. How does he expect to handle himself in a gun fight if he can’t even beat a jalapeno? I tell you what, there’s a suspicious number of Jews in this fictional 1800’s western frontier town.
Deracinate- to remove from a native environment or culture
Ex: Members of the historic black community of Seneca Village were deracinated as their town was torn down to make room for Central Park in the 1850’s. Ironically enough, if you take a stroll through Central Park today you are likely to see a Karen screaming “You don’t belong here!” to a black family who are just trying to enjoy a peaceful picnic.
Clerisy- a class of learned, intelligent individuals
Ex: Little do the clerisy know that their learned knowledge means nothing to me unless they are also capable of physically overpowering me. What was that? Oh, you want me to get an EEG to see if the levels of electrical current in my brain could possibly reveal something about the serotonergic output in my hypothalamus being irregular and indicating Intermittent Explosive Disorder? WELL GOOD LUCK FORCING ME INTO THAT HEADGEAR, NERD! I’LL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU EVER PUT THAT ELECTRIC LUNCHLADY HAIRNET ON ME!
Am going to use the word clerisy in my next book for sure.