What is that creature on the right? Is that what RFK Jr. thinks happens to people who use WIFI on planes?
Bugbear- a cause of excessive fear or irritation; the bane
Ex: The biggest bugbear of being in liberal political campaign management is the possibility that you have not made the stakes of your candidate’s lawn signs sharp enough to dig into shittily manicured liberal lawns. While conservative candidates’ signs rarely require sharpening, as their constituents take great pride in their lawn care capabilities, many liberals do not loosen their soil up with rakes prior to the election season, rendering their yards hard as rocks even before the first frost sets in. The bugbear of conservative campaign management is dropping off the signs at your voters’ homes in a vehicle they don’t recognize without having a shotgun pointed in your direction. The bugbear of Independent campaign management is convincing anyone, anyone at all, to vote for an “environmental activist” who couldn’t even explain photosynthesis to you and who preaches that WIFI gives you cancer from a voice that miraculously isn’t emanating from a neck stoma.