Bailiwick- one’s sphere of operations or particular area of interest
Ex: Everyone’s bailiwick in Provincetown is a little bit backwards as far as conservative values are concerned. As you walk down Commercial Street, you’ll notice male-owned salons and art galleries, female-owned fishing shops, and landscaping crews that are, well… still Mexican. The music played in these stores has a pride ring to it, or is that just French pop? Hard to tell the difference, if there is one. As fit, pastel clad men glide past you on their Schwinns, they leave a breadcrumb trail with the innards of their scooped bagels. Follow the gluten road and it’ll lead you to drag performances by artists affectionately known by their filthy monikers, “Elton Long John”, “Garse Brooks”, and “Freddy Got Mercury Poisoning from Inserting a Thermometer the Old Fashioned Way”. Don’t make the same mistake I did and forget to shave your chest before bear weak, or else you’ll be surrounded by more Grizzlies than a Smirnoff-wielding Siberian Instagram influencer.