“Autistic Coding Boot Camp” - Renaissance Painting style
Arriviste- one who has just arrived at success; a social climber
Ex: Man who recently diagnosed himself as being on the spectrum via TikTok accused of being arriviste by other members of coding boot camp. “You were out there playing sports and talking to girls while I was breaking down electronic machines to their simplest units, reconfiguring them, and then building them back up again!” Said Frank Mendez, founder of his high school A/V club and level 83 Paladin Night Elf on WoW. “Yea, don’t just stroll in here and look down at the tile floor. We all know you weren’t struggling to make eye contact with people until recently!” Said Brock Cugliano, backend website developer, serial nose-picker, and late-night Carlo’s Bake Shop devotee. “When was the last time you fixated on something? Like really fixated on something? And don’t tell me about a passion of yours, this goes deeper than that!” Said Hank Pinker, nationally ranked model train conductor and mental math wizard. “What do you want me to say, guys? That I’m just a little bit socially awkward?” replied the man.
“We want you to claim stolen ‘tism valor.” Asserted Frank.
“Stolen ‘tism valor?” Asked the man.
“Yea, stolen ‘tism valor! We all think you’ve been reaping the newfound societal benefits of labeling yourself with ASD, including but not limited to the access to exclusive NFT clubs, the vast network of connections in the tech space, and last but certainly not least, the copious amounts of goth pussy!”
“Wait a second…I have been to NFT meetups, I have Silicon Valley connects, but I certainly haven’t been getting any goth pussy.”
“Well then you must not got the ‘tism, brother!”
*The members of the coding boot camp look each other in their chests as they awkwardly dap each other up and start whooping and hollering. The words ‘it’s over 9000’ can be heard from a guy in an Attack on Titan snapback sitting by the big Acer in the corner*