Apposite- appropriate
Ex: “And there’s a drive out to deep left field. Going, going, gone! A three-run homer for Castellanos! Now would probably be an apposite time to come clean about some rumors that have been milling about surrounding my personal life in the past few weeks. Brandy, baby, if you’re watching this, which I know you probably aren’t, because you can’t stand the sound of my voice anymore, I want to apologize for how I’ve been acting recently. The other night, when you walked in and saw me caught in a passionate erotic tangle with the woman who works the Nathan’s hot dog stand, I should have fessed up. I was lying when I told you that was a one-time thing. The truth is, for months now we have been engaging in a sort of coital transaction in which she gives me hot dogs in exchange for my—and listeners, pardon my French here—Hebrew National jumbo frankfurter thunder cock. And there’s a cutter that misses low and away, the count is 1 and 0 to Harper.”
Richard Jeni vibes here. (
You got a way with words you do, for shizzle.