Antipathy, Chauvinist, Burgeon
Antipathy- an aversion to; a strong disliking of
Ex: Wes’ antipathy towards Starbucks had nothing to do with their coffee, but rather was a result of the mean, flamboyant barista telling him to, “Call it a venti or get benty, you basic cisgender hetero soy-boy chai latte bitch”.
Chauvinist- someone who acts above members of the opposite sex
Ex: It’s a tale as old as time, the young chauvinist who begs to play guys versus girls volleyball in gym class grows up to be a fat, incel loser who worships Alex Jones.
Burgeon- to sprout or bloom; to grow rapidly
Ex: Gerald’s interest in magic mushrooms burgeoned as soon as he moved out to Denver. These days you would be hard pressed to find him not listening to the Grateful Dead or harping on the, “everlasting bond between human and nature, the spiritual intermingling of our organic souls into something beyond, something intangible yet deeply felt in our collective consciousness, my compadre”