Amenable, Demur, Upbraid
Amenable- open to persuasion, easily convinced
Ex: Trent had always despised family vacations, but this time he was with his highly amenable cousin Alfred, whom he would have no trouble convincing to engage in all sorts of hijinks. Trent managed to persuade Alfred into creating a reimagined sports version of Ratatouille by placing a rat under his baseball cap and having it dictate his swing during a wiffle ball game. Trent’s laughter was soon replaced with tears when Alfred contracted Weil’s disease, a potentially fatal infection spread from the urine of mice and rats. RIP Cousin Alfred, 2010-2023, you subservient little angel.
Demur- to take objection with
Ex: They made a pit stop during the road trip to eat at the 7-Eleven, the only store for miles, but Melissa demurred. She had had a few too many jalapeno-cheddar dogs when she put on her freshman fifteen, and the thought of going back to looking like, and behaving like, a cheap Amy Schumer impersonator made her shudder. Manuel chimed in from the back seat, “What’s the matter, Melissa? Scared of becoming a fat cunt again?” She pondered how many ounces of Slurpee it would take to kill a man.
Upbraid- to scold or criticize harshly
Ex: She upbraided him for wearing a turtleneck to the beach. “You’re making a mockery of this family, now the whole beach thinks I’m married to some Scandinavian vampire with body insecurity issues!”