Abscond- Way Back Wednesday
“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”- Ancient Mayan Art style
Abscond- to run away and hide from detection or arrest
Ex: The mouse absconded from the kitchen with a cookie clenched firmly in its tiny jaws. And you know what happens when a mouse gets hold of a cookie. He starts making all sorts of ridiculous demands. First, he wants a little bit of weed to smoke so the cookie will taste even better. Then he wants a miniature couch to lounge on since he’s feeling the “in-da-couch” effects of his indica rip. After that, naturally, he will request that you upgrade your cable package so he can watch reruns of The Hard Times of RJ Berger on MTV2. And, if you recall the circular nature of the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie story, this will lead the mouse to want another cookie- preferably a crispy chocolate chip from Tate’s Bake Shop- while he watches the lovable loser RJ and his massive peen navigate the high school dating scene in this classic coming-of-age tale.