Abecedarian- a novice; an amateur
Ex: I’m not an abecedarian when it comes to raves. I know all the hot performers, all the hip venues, as well as which subgenre of deep house is popular at any given moment.
*Me, shouting at my friend through a fog cloud. Terrible electronic music can be heard in the background*
“Isn’t this guy amazing? One of my boys put me onto him. His name is Ned, Once More. No, not Fred Again.., Ned, Once More.”
“This sounds like shit!” yells my friend.
“He’s the shit! I know!” I yell back.
“No, this isn’t shit! Shit was on his last album. This is called, “Techno Poo”. It’s got samples of people’s bowel movement noises taken from club bathrooms all over the world. Pretty amazing, huh!?”
“It’s pretty off putting. Isn’t that also illegal?”
“He’s on the cutting edge of this shit, man. He blurs the lines between right and wrong, between music and experience.”
“I want to go home!”
“But he’s just getting started! We have to stay for ‘Thunderfart Explosion, Bass Boosted’ and, ‘Prenatal Muslide (shitting for two)’!”
“I’m really all set, man. I’ll catch you later.”
“Suit yourself, broski!”
*Me singing along to “Techno Poo”*
“Brrrrapppppp, Pffftttt, AOOGA! Psssssssss, DROP THE BASS, splash, moan, splash, moan, splash, moan”
A good term to use in an insult- "You remorseless, treacherous abecedarian!"